You can find frequently ask questions about Sokol Run of the Republic below. If you didn't find information what you were looking for you can contact us on info@behrepubliky.cz


How can I register to the race?

You can registrate for Sokol Run of the Republic on www.behrepublikyid.cz


What are the differences between the locations where the Sokol Run of the Republic is held?

Every runner will enjoy the celebration to the fullest, no matter where they run. Also, the content of the start package is exactly the same for the whole every location in Czechia and abroad. Where differences can be found is in the additional services for runners, that differ by location. The organizers offer one of three levels of running (GREAT RACE, RACE or RUN), which is reflected in the way the awards are announced, the number of prizes for the winners or the time tracking. 


How long is the race and where can I find route of the race?

Race for adults is usually between 3 to 12 km and it is set by local organizer. You can find map of your race in section Races by choosing city in which you want to run.


Can kids join the race?

Yes, there are races prepared for kids. Only kids up to 14 years old (inclusive) can run in children's races. Most of these races are free but you should check the prize in information page about each race.


Age categories for children's races*

Year of birth


Race lenght

2013 and younger     

Younger children       

race length approx. 500 meters

2009 - 2012

Older children

race length approx. 1 km

*These categories are recommended and may vary in each race. You can find exact lenght in the races page.


Will there be anybody to look after kids?

There will not be anybody to look after kids but it may vary in some races. Check informations about specific race.


What will happen if the race can not be organized due to government restrictions or epidemic situation?

In this case race will be organized in open start and everybody will run the race individually. Starting packages will be possible to pick up at organizer.


Is starting fee refundable?

According to Terms and Conditions is starting fee not refundable. You can transfer your starting fee to another runner.


At registration I made a mistake, can I change it?

Yes, your information can be changed in your account at www.behrepubliky.cz.


Can I change place for which I have registered?

Unfortunately this change can not be done.


Until when can I register?

October 5, 2023 is your last chance to register for the race so that you have your name on the bib.
Till October 14, 2023 you can pay by bank transfer, after that you can only pay the entry fee by credit card.
On October 24, 2023 we close online registration.

*The above information applies for runs held in the Czech Republic. Dates may vary for runs held abroad.


Is it possible to register at start?

Registrations at start are somewhere possible. You need to contact local organizer by email.


What is in starting package?

Starting number, medal, water, presents from Sokol and partners. In Prague there is also official running T-shirt of Sokol Run of the Republic. 


Where can I buy official running T-shirt of Sokol Run of the Republic?

T-shirt is included in package in Prague race. For other races you can order official running T-shirt of Sokol Run of the Republic as additional service during registration for your race at www.behrepublikyid.cz.


Will there be a refreshment stations?

Refreshment for runners will be in finish of the race.




What is individual run and how it differ from regular race? Where can I register?

You can run Individual run anywhere in the world on 28th October 2023. You are not bounded to any place. During registration proceed as during regular race - register or log in on www.behrepublikyid.cz and there choose Individual Run. Before the race we will send you starting package and on 28th October you can go for a run or just for a walk anywhere in the world.


Until when I can register for a Individual run?

13th October 2023 we close online registrations.


What is in starting package of Individual run?

Starting number, medal, presents from Sokol and partners and also official running T-shirt of Sokol Run of the Republic.

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Main institutional partners

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official suppliers
