28th October 2025

English version
We Contributed 177,850 CZK to Vanesska's Treatment and Rehabilitation

We Contributed 177,850 CZK to Vanesska's Treatment and Rehabilitation

Today, with YOUR help, another beautiful story reached its end. The Borovanský family, including their little fighter Vanesska, received a check for 177,850 CZK from Martin Chlumský, the Mayor of the Czech Sokol Organization. This amount was raised by runners to support neuro-rehabilitation and other treatments for this little girl born with a congenital brain disorder.

The meeting at the headquarters of the Czech Sokol Organization was held in a friendly atmosphere. In addition to the financial donation, the Borovanský family also received other gifts, such as a Sokol memorial for the XVII All-Sokol Gathering and Sokol toys for Vanesska. During their visit, the family, who traveled from South Bohemia, was given a tour of Tyrš House, the Czech Sokol Organization headquaters, learning about its history and exploring its various sports facilities.

How You Could Contribute?
The funds were gradually raised in two ways. The first option allowed runners to select an amount to donate to Vanesska during their registration in the online shopping cart. The broader public could also contribute by using a QR code available on the charity section of the website. All it took was scanning the code with a phone and choosing an amount to donate.

Remember Vanesska's Story
Vanesska was born in 2018 as a healthy baby to two deaf parents. However, when she was just over 4 months old, her parents began to notice that her development was not progressing as it should. A series of medical examinations confirmed that she suffers from a congenital neurological disorder. Vanesska and her parents are true fighters and have decided to do everything possible to ensure she has a good quality of life.

Vanesska regularly undergoes various therapies, including neuro-rehabilitation, physiotherapy, the Vojta method, occupational therapy, and hippotherapy. One of her significant challenges is a misaligned left foot, which limits her ability to walk. This summer, she is scheduled for surgery to lengthen a tendon, which should positively impact her mobility. You can find more information about this little fighter at

Vanesska, We’re Rooting for You!
We hope we’ve helped, even if just a little, on your journey toward a brighter future.

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