We're running to celebrate the Czech Republic! Registration for the Sokol Run of the Republic open

We're running to celebrate the Czech Republic! Registration for the Sokol Run of the Republic open

We are officially opening runner registrations for selected locations of the Sokol Run of the Republic, not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. The 6th edition will welcome Sokols and the general public to the biggest running celebration of the founding of the Republic on 28 October. Catch your place at the start as soon as possible and run with us.

The Sokol running tradition will be enjoyed on the October national holiday by both adults in the main race with a start at 2 pm and children on their routes. Thousands of participants - professional runners and entire families with children - will again line up at the start. This year's edition will also be all about enjoying 28 October the way Sokol members like it best: by moving! "We have had a very successful XVII All-Sokol Gathering and I am very happy that the year 2024 continues in the autumn with another important event. I personally took part in the Sokol Run of the Republic to celebrate 28 October last year, and I can confirm that it brings an unforgettable atmosphere and a unique experience. Every year the event attracts thousands of people in the Czech Republic and in expatriate communities around the world. I am looking forward to the start in October and I believe that we will again set a record for participation", says Martin Chlumský, Mayor of the Czech Sokol Community.


Last year, over 8,000 runners enjoyed the atmosphere of the Sokol Run of the Republic at nearly 80 locations in the Czech Republic and abroad. Since the first edition in 2018, a total of over 24,000 runners have taken to the start line. Join the celebration of the Republic by moving at a place of your choice and enjoy 28 October to the fullest! Among the locations in 2024 will be Hluboká nad Vltavou, Děčín, Telč or Kroměříž, while abroad you can visit Zurich or Washington, D.C. A list of all locations can be found on the LOCATIONS page and on the map below. Registration is now open for the first 20 locations, and registration for the other locations will open in the coming weeks.

Run alongside sports stars!

Czech sports personalities will be a proud part of the Sokol Run of the Republic again this year. Last year, the faces were the canoeist Lukáš Rohan and the former beach volleyball player Kristýna Hoidarová-Kolocová. "It was a great run with a unique atmosphere. A huge thank you to the runners and spectators across the country. We hope to make up with those we didn't see this year in 2024. We look forward to seeing them again next year at the start", add Lukáš and Kristýna. In the regions the runners could meet other stars, for example in Přerov with tennis player Linda Nosková or in Brno with water slalom racer Gabriela Satková.


Together we are also helping in the 6th Sokol Run of the Republic!

Together we are also helping in the 6th Sokol Run of the Republic!We will be helping together during the 6th Sokol Run of the Republic. This time the help will go to five-year-old Vanessa with a congenital nervous disorder. 

Vanesska was born as a healthy baby of two deaf parents. When Vanessa was just over 4 months old, her parents began to notice that her development was not as it should be. However, Vanesska and her parents are great fighters, and they decided to do everything they could to give her a good life. Vanesska regularly undergoes various therapies such as neuro-rehabilitation, physiotherapy, the Vojta method, occupational therapy, and hippotherapy. In the summer, she will have a surgical procedure to lengthen her tendon, which should positively affect her motor skills.

You can also help Vanessa by registering directly for the 6th Sokol Run of the Republic! 


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