28th October 2025

English version
Help disadvantaged Anetka succeed in Twirling by donating for her costly rehabilitation

Help disadvantaged Anetka succeed in Twirling by donating for her costly rehabilitation

Also the fifth year of the celebration of the republic through movement helps brothers and sisters, to whom fate has not been as kind as to the rest of us. And who deserves your help this year? Fourteen-year-old Anetka, who despite her severe dullness and her family's difficult social situation is fighting for her dream, which is to represent the Czech Republic in twirling. In order to continue to play sports and improve, she needs above-standard coaching care combined with rehabilitation and challenging exercises for spatial orientation. So don't hesitate and donate the selected amount to Aneta directly during the REGISTRATION for her run!

Anetka lives by twirling. She fights not only with her competitors on the race track, but mostly with herself and her handicap, which is the blindness of her right eye. Losing always motivates her to continue working, rehabilitating her affected eye and improving her spatial orientation. Her dream, as her mother Lída enthusiastically told us, is to become a member of the Czech twirling team. In order to get closer to this dream, she started working with her coach Lucie Jana Matoušková in 2019 due to her individual training disabilities. From the very first moment, the family could not praise her work with Aneta, mainly due to her individual approach and ability to guide the girl not only athletically, but also rehabilitation, physiotherapy and mentally. Especially the last three parts of the coaching care were noticeably missing until then. After a few months of working together and training hard, Anetka's performance started to improve rapidly.

In September 2022, the next major step in Anetka's development came. She became a member of the Czech Twirling School under T. J. Sokol Vysočany in Prague 9, whose main goal is to make twirling a sport accessible to children from socially disadvantaged families and disabled people. The main founder is Ing. Soňa Purmová, MBA and other founders are Ing. Lucie Jana Matoušková, Dis., Světla Jarošová and Bc. Tereza Klausová, who are also very experienced and high quality trainers. From Liberec, where the family lives for a long time and where Anetka goes to school, she started to commute to Prague and can compare her training with the best healthy peers in the Czech Republic. She gains motivation to try to match them despite her disadvantage.

To make matters worse, the family is dealing with other problems. Aneta's older brother has Asperger's syndrome, an anxiety disorder and a speech impediment. According to the psychiatrist, his health is not good and he needs adult supervision and supervision throughout the day. Nevertheless, the assessing doctor has determined that his condition is such that he is entitled only to a level II care allowance. His mother is unable to work because of her care for him, so the family relies solely on the income of the mother's partner. The biological father shows no interest in the children and does not pay maintenance for them.

This year, moreover, there was news that shocked and pleasantly surprised everyone around the girl. In February, at the qualifying competition in Hradec Kralove, Anetka received a nomination for the IBTF Nations Cup 2023 in Liverpool, England! Huge success, euphoria. But this was soon replaced by sadness. Due to the difficult social situation of the family, her mother Lída had to tell Aneta that she did not have enough money to participate in the competition abroad and had to take care of her disabled brother. What does all this mean? That it also depends on you whether Anetka will be able to go to England, because mum Lída would like to donate part of the collection to the cost of the trip to Liverpool.

We are not the first to support Anetka on her trip. She is being helped by the Czech Olympic Foundation, which contributes to children aged 6 to 18 whose parents lack the financial means for their sporting activities. And we are glad that we can now also give Aneta a helping hand, as it is our own. So don't hesitate to donate to Anetka for rehabilitation, physiotherapy and to make her childhood dream come true. Just donate the amount you choose directly when you REGISTER for your run!

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